Urban Toot will pass along any official corresponding regarding public safety that is submitted to us. We hope all of our neighbors stay safe and vigilant. Please pass this along.
Neighborhood Watch Leaders:
Along the western edge of Rossmoyne and into our West Command, there have been several attempts and a few successful residential burglaries. The MO is the same as what we have seen: The residents that have seen and thwarted the burglars, have reported a knock at the front door. When they have not answered, the suspect (so far, all male) walks toward the side of the residence and begins to attempt entry. In these cases, the residents have chased off the suspect and called us after they have lost sight of the suspect. We have had vehicles stolen (300 block East Dryden and 1100 Block Campbell on Jan 13), and another residential burglary (also on Jan 13th). This burglary was similar to the one on Cordova (shared driveway with obscured view from street) with jewelry being the target. The residents secured the home around 9:00AM and returned at 4:30 to find a pried rear slider door. No suspects were seen. Our detectives are working leads, but it is always observant residents who make the difference. When in doubt about who the person at your door is, don’t open the door. Acknowledge them with a, “Who is it?” and if they still seem unsavory, call us right away. The general dispatch number is: (818) 548-4841. When in doubt, call 911.
Send this to those in the area. Hopefully, we can collect new Neighborhood Watch members and host a meeting with a terrific topic in the next month!!!
Officer Sue Shine
East Command, Lead Officer
Glendale Police Department
131 North Isabel Street
Glendale, CA 91206