The Replicas Music Interview

The Replicas Music Interview

Recently Urban Toot was at the Dads’ Club here in Glendale, California and we saw The Replicas Music, Variety band perform at a very private and very VIP birthday party. The band was just crazy good and we got to know them a little and thought that it would be a...


GUSD App  Glendale Unified School district has released their first app. Appropriately titled the GUSD App it has all sorts of features that I think most families will find helpful. The users can filter the information that they want by choosing schools and district...
Package Theft

Package Theft

For quite a while now the city of Glendale, California has seen a rash of robberies and Package Theft in residential areas. People have been locating packages delivered to front doors and porches and then stealing them. These packages have been delivered from numerous...

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