Happy 2018!

Happy 2018!

It’s about to be  the New Year 2018 in Glendale, California and we have some thoughts we’d like to share with you. We all like to celebrate the new year. It seems like it’s a commendation of surviving and maybe thriving the challenges that we faced...
Urban Toot is Not Dead!

Urban Toot is Not Dead!

  As Monty Python said in that famous scene: “I’m not dead yet! You can view the scene below (It’s actually kinda funny). Yes, it would have been easier to start with that famous quote that has been  attributed to Mark Twain; “The rumors...
$139,000 Your Life. Animated.

$139,000 Your Life. Animated.

Glendale Logo Description Back in November of 2011 the city of Glendale announced it’s big plan to fix the city. They spent $139,000 dollars to hire an agency, all the way from Nashville Tennessee to find a way to fix Glendale. According to the people who live 2,004...
Killer Community

Killer Community

I’m a really fortunate dude. Everyday, I discover another way that I have been completely blessed. Last weekend, I was reminded what an amazing community I’m a part of. My son’s school is close by and is home to the only Dad’s Club I’ve...
No End to Graffiti

No End to Graffiti

Remember back on March 30th when we wrote about Graffiti in Glendale and about how awesome it is that the Neighborhood Services Program goes around the city and cleans it up. That way the Graffiti Taggers pretty much learn that it’s useless to Tag in Glendale...

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