Urban Toot enjoys the summer!

Urban Toot enjoys the summer!

Hey, Is it just me or have you also noticed that it’s summer? Yup thats right. Summer Rules, School is… well out and so the good folks at Urban Toot have decided to blog on a summer schedule. We know, we know, you will miss us. You want to hangout at the...
Little Free Library in Glendale!

Little Free Library in Glendale!

Have you ever heard of the Little Free Library? One of our Urban Toot Staffers and his family have decided to take on this very cool project of creating their own mini public library. The exact location hasn’t been determined yet (we’ll let you know when...
Killer Community

Killer Community

I’m a really fortunate dude. Everyday, I discover another way that I have been completely blessed. Last weekend, I was reminded what an amazing community I’m a part of. My son’s school is close by and is home to the only Dad’s Club I’ve...

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