Dog-Earthquake Preparedness

Dog-Earthquake Preparedness

Hi, my name is Maggie and I am an animal lover! Dogs are near and dear to my heart, especially the large, friendly variety. Two black Labradors are a part of my family and I often prefer to spend time with them, rather than most of the humans in my life. I look...
Best Blogs in Glendale

Best Blogs in Glendale

Glendale is a wonderful place to live but a tough place to be a blogger. Many bloggers start and then stop. Its okay, blogging isn’t as easy as it seems. To constantly come up with fresh content when you are  probably working a day job and have all the other...
Was it safe?

Was it safe?

When is it safe to go to school? [slideshow id=1] You see I’m a little unhappy that the Glendale Unified School District waited until 8:30 Thursday morning to issue a press release saying that the schools are open. I’m sure that most of Glendale was aware...
No News is Good News

No News is Good News

  I turn on the news with total trepidation, and more often lately, dread.  Typically the first five stories are about death, political unrest, the failing US economy, or terrorism. I seriously don’t know why I bother, yet I am literally aware of the latest...

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