View from Mt.Thom above Glendale, California

Short Painting Life

Glendale is such a cool city to live in with really cool communities and cool people living in them. Tell us what you are doing and what makes your community so neat. We are posting this video of Local Glendale artist Farzad Kohan and his Super daughter made a short...
No News is Good News

No News is Good News

  I turn on the news with total trepidation, and more often lately, dread.  Typically the first five stories are about death, political unrest, the failing US economy, or terrorism. I seriously don’t know why I bother, yet I am literally aware of the latest...
It’s a Love/Hate Relationship

It’s a Love/Hate Relationship

There are downsides to everything; there are unintended consequences to everything. The most corrosive piece of technology that I’ve ever seen is called television – but then, again, television, at its best, is magnificent.– Steve Jobs, 2003 It may...

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