Can I Sell My Home Short and Then Buy?

Can I Sell My Home Short and Then Buy?

The short answer is , “Not easily” .  In life we don’t often get to “eat our cake and have it, too” To really understand the options, let’s take a quick review.  A short sale is when a homeowner owes more to the bank then the home...
Re-thinking Glendale High

Re-thinking Glendale High

  It was late 2005 when it finally hit us: Our son, an 8th-grader at Wilson Middle School in Glendale, was fast approaching The High School Years. It just sort of snuck up on us. When we moved to Southern California from the Midwest in 1998, my wife and I chose...
What’s My Price?

What’s My Price?

Let’s play a game! Show of hands, who thinks pricing a home is easy? Who thinks it is only something a professional should do? Who thinks Realtors manipulate price for their own selfish gain? It’s ok to raise your hand, no one is looking. In this Set the...
A Day in Northwest Glendale

A Day in Northwest Glendale

Every city in America is made up of neighborhoods and communities and, in this way, Glendale is no different.  From Chevy Chase Canyon to the Rossmoyne and north into the Verdugo Woodlands, there are a dozen or more distinct neighborhoods and each one is unique and...

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