Smart Meter Redux

Smart Meter Redux

I’ve been reading and thinking about this whole smart meter thing that has been going on here in Glendale. To be honest I’m not sure what to think. You see, for years Glendale got by pretty well with having regular old meters on the houses and every other month or so...
You know you’re getting older when:

You know you’re getting older when:

My husband and I are not getting any younger. I suppose that’s where most of us senior citizens find themselves. You know you’re getting older when: 1. You talk a lot about your aches and pains. 2. You have to take your meds along when you go out for dinner. 3. You...
rePlanet where?

rePlanet where?

I recycle…because it’s the right thing to do. In fact, don’t we all buy a myriad of containers that can be recycled? …even paying just a little bit extra each time I take home that 2 liter of soda or that 6-pack of beer. And that’s ok really, because it’s that small...
Best Blogs in Glendale

Best Blogs in Glendale

Glendale is a wonderful place to live but a tough place to be a blogger. Many bloggers start and then stop. Its okay, blogging isn’t as easy as it seems. To constantly come up with fresh content when you are  probably working a day job and have all the other...

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